Energy & Utility 2022-05-11T10:09:52+03:00

IRM for Energy & Utility Industry

The Challenge

As certainly considered one among the biggest and highly regulated industries, Energy and Utility sector as critical infrastructure must adopt strong and flexible strategies to achieve compliance and ensure their Cybersecurity (NIST Cybersecurity Framework & NISD) . These strategies should take into account the fragile environment, of industry, formed by price fluctuations, changes in energy demand, elasticity and innovative trends (linking exploration and production risks to distribution channels). Due to political instability, strict regulatory oversight, and numerous local and international risks due to security, IT security, supply chain and non-compliance, have brought fundamental challenges. Organizations need to adopt a consistent approach to minimize business risks through effective compliance, streamline audit work, and ensure network security along the value chain.

The Needs

  • An integrated framework-system that mitigate any kind of risk.
  • Assess cybersecurity & corporate vulnerabilities within organization network.
  • Integrate new regulatory requirements and conduct the appropriate risk assessments.
  • Identify weaknesses from interdependencies and internal controls and have a framework to mitigate them.
  • Have a holistic business continuity plan.
  • Map every step of remediation process.

Our Solutions

Information Security Risk Assesment (ISRA Manager)

An Integrated Risk Management platform for assessing the Confidentiality, Integrity, and Availability of all information systems to mitigate risk and enable decision making.

Vendor & Third Party Risk Manager

Third Party Governance presents an accurate and complete picture of vendor risk while also providing capabilities for managing and monitoring the performance of relationships & engagements.

Resilience & Business Continuity

Business Continuity platform with disaster recovery planning, exercising and testing that enables Business Resiliency to protect your organization in the event of a crisis.

Take a look at our Energy & Utility IRM Software

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